If a customer is familiar with a brand because that brand has made itself and its stellar reputation consistently visible to the customer, that customer will happily drop $10,000 online because the brand has earned their trust.

Happy holidays, dear readers!

We’re breaking from our usual Q&A to dedicate 2019’s final column to those who’ve shared with me their business-crippling challenges of this year.

Those that know me well know I’m a 20+ year student of astrology and will happily interpret your personal astrology chart if you ask me nicely. No, I’m not talking about those silly horoscopes that give astrology a bad name.  I mean a real, mathematics-driven chart, composed of numbers and formulas and calculations (oh my!).

While I don’t believe we’re governed by the stars, I do believe the stars can decipher the energy and environment around us.  For instance, those born in the 70s and early 80s have been riddled with obstacles for the past two years because the astrological numerical values of that era conflict with the values of this era. (This also applies to some born outside these years, based on the mathematics of their personal chart, but that’s a different discussion.)

Anyhoo, the two astronomical figures representing the energies of chaos and discipline have been warring with each other, leaving us 70s babies (with our conflicting numerical charts) to endure one disappointment after another.

A battle between chaos and discipline only ends one of two ways: either by complete destruction, never to rise again, or by total transformation, bursting through ash and rubble like a phoenix.

Me personally? I prefer the latter.

Continue reading on The PR Advisor…

As always, lovelies, send me your most press PR and marketing questions!  

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